Saturday, April 9, 2011

I'm making a promise

So hold me to it: I will post on the college decision process (picking the school you want) before spring break.  I know my last two posts have been "I'll be super busy," and I was 100% right.  Since last post, I went to NHSMUN, JETS, and have had a lot of super interesting (but long) budget meetings for the Board of Ed (I'll try to get a post up about that too before the vote).  Plus, of course, college decisions came in, so I've been dealing with the stress of trying to make some really important decisions myself!  I'm actually visiting a school right now, so I'm in the midst of the stress (the awesome crazy cool stress).  I still have two schools to visit, and potentially a third, so everything is still pretty up in the air.  Even now I face a minor but important decision: of the two colleges I visited this weekend, whose sweatshirt do I wear on Monday?  The worst part of it all is that I'm going to have to keep waking up at 6 in the morning for high school.  Tomorrow I get home though, and after getting my schoolwork done (haha..) I'll get another post out.  I promise!