Friday, January 21, 2011

I'm back! Almost.

I'm so close to the crazy being over that I can almost smell the finish tape.  Maybe I mixed my metaphors there.. oh well.  For a perspective on the insanity that has been my past few months, here's an overview: IPLE IPLE IPLE holycrapcollegeapps IPLEohmygodregionals mocktrialhell.  Throw in a  couple of howthehelldoIdothistakehome-s for good measure too.  That brings me to now, and more importantly, the next two weeks.  Let's start with this weekend.  Oh right, that ten page research paper?  Apparently my chair wants something completely different than what the brief said.  That's due Monday.  Yay for redoing research!  Then, next week will really just be a cramming prelude to the week after.  That next week is when the real fun happens.

Monday the 31st. First day of midterms, and oh yeah, the first day of the mock trial competition that we've spent all year preparing for.  Tuesday is day two of those two activities, and Wednesday is a "break".  Wednesday is only really a break in a relative sense--relative, that is, to the rest of my week, because "all" I have on Wednesday are midterms!  Thursday is the last day of midterms, and potentially another day of mock trial if we do well enough Monday and Tuesday., not to mention a Board of Ed meeting.  And then there's Friday.  The thing about Friday is that Friday is also going to eat into Thursday, definitely Wednesday, potentially Monday and Tuesday, and probably even Saturday and Sunday.  That's because Friday is our State competition for IPLE.  The amount of prep and stress that will go into Friday is pretty obscene, for all of the clearly masochistic people (myself included) who took AP IPLE.

Then, hopefully, I'll be able to breathe again.  After Friday, I am absolutely sure that the full weight of this senioritis that has been dripping like Chinese water torture onto my head will come crashing down at terminal velocity.  After, of course, I write my paper for NHSMUN *cough cough*.  From there, it's a smooth sailing.  Until I get to April, and then I'll in the depth-charge infested waters off the coast of college acceptance.  If I'm still floating by May, life will be good.  I'll take my AP tests and graduate (I think), with nary a final in sight.  Oh, and there's prom.  I should probably figure that out one of these days.  How about February 5th?

So that's where it stands.  The next few weeks will be the death throes of my high school crazyness, and from their steaming ashes the beautiful phoenix of not-having-to-care-anymore will be born.  Maybe I'll even get back to this whole blogging thing!


  1. yo that least you get everything over with at the same time.

  2. OMG! one of the poll options for my next blog was ikokoreebu. As in, who are you? Maybe if you just answer that now, it'll save me from having to write about it :]

    In terms of your blog, AGH! It's just a mirror of my life *substitute Science Olympiad for Mock Trial and insert Yearbook with a dash of college interviews though I'm sure that's only because you left them out by accident* and it is seriously interfering with my blogging >O
