Tuesday, October 26, 2010


As those who see me daily know, I recently stopped shaving for about a week.  I ended up with blonde fur all over my face (and yes, some of it was red. I am indeed related to Finn McCool).  Eventually I got tired of it (too itchy) and I shaved it off except for the sideburns, which I left to grow for the play.  Speaking of the play, I also haven't been allowed to cut my hair, because our costumer wants my hair to be longer.  My hair was needing a cut when she told me that, and now it's a lot longer than it's ever been.  It's fun, if a lot more work in the morning.  It's starting to get curly now, which is new.  I'm not sure whether I like it, but I do feel like it has a little more character than my short hair.

My beard experience was kind of interesting.  There was plenty of face-rubbing, some nice some whatever and some kind of awkward (Jon P. Chen!).  Ultimately though I shaved it off because I felt a little silly with facial hair when I still view myself as a kid.  I remember being on the bus once and seeing a kid get off who had scraggly weird facial hair and thinking "that kid should really not have a beard."  I was getting worried that I was turning into that kid, and since Saturday I was going around selling ads in the playbill for drama club I felt that I should look a little more professional.  Dealing with adults who could really grow beards when I had my blond and red fur (although it was definitely more than fuzz, I feel justified in calling it a beard except that it was light-colored) felt a little odd.  

Reactions to facial hair are different depending on who's reacting.  I felt that adults would probably think I looked like a silly kid trying to look older.  Guys kind of had mixed reactions, but mostly interested since most of my Asian friends (luckily in my opinion) don't grow much facial hair.  Some girls liked it, some girls though it looked dumb.  Shaving it off was a good decision, it had gotten too long and itchy for my taste.  Whether or not I'll be sporting in the future is something I'll have to see about, maybe if I get lazy again I'll let it come back.  Either way though, I'm definitely not going to be cutting my hair or shaving my sideburns any time soon, so it should be fun to see how those turn out!  


  1. Haha. So that's why everyone was stroking your chin today! And, Jon is very awkward :P

    I like your face with or without it <3

  2. P Chen would be awkward about it.
