Friday, October 22, 2010

Long time coming

Wow so I haven't posted in far too long.  All this month!  That's what being a senior does to you, free time is consumed by college essays.  So I have a lot of posts to, er.. post tonight.  I've got two Board of Ed meetings posts to do (which I might irresponsibly compound into one) plus some fun personal posts (which I might do first).

So this post has got to thank my friend Anna over at As Told by Anna Banana.  She just started her blog because my friend Indraneel over at Indraneel the Senior recommended she try it out.  She knew about my blog, and so were now all awesome blog-buddies.  Plus I needed that kick in the pants.

Oh by the way, I just thought I'd mention, I'm watching Lie to Me right now (amazing show by the way) and I just noticed something that I found very cool.  The whole premise is that he can read peoples' faces, and see when they're lying, and he's edgy and fun.  Altogether pretty well done.  What I noticed though is his office.  It has a really distinct glass motif, and almost all of the walls are see through.  It's a really good tie in with what he does, you can't hide when you're with him, physically or psychologically.  Cool stuff I think.  On to my first real post of the night!

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